Failure Hunt on Product Hunt

Yesterday, I launched my latest project, Failure Hunt, on Product Hunt. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as successful as I had hoped it would be.


A few months ago, I decided to launch Dive Deep Books on Product Hunt. I didn’t plan ahead and just filled in the information and clicked ‘Submit’. It didn’t garner much attention, with only 5 upvotes.

This time, I decided to prepare. First of all, I shot a brief video presentation, assuming it would help promote my project.

Then, I filled in all the details and completed almost everything that was required on the checklist. I scheduled the launch for midnight, as everyone says it’s important to do it at the start of a new day.

I also announced on my Twitter that I would be launching the project on Product Hunt the day before.

Launch Day

On Day X, I woke up early to respond to any comments, but there were none. Okay. After that, I announced the official launch on my Twitter. Then, every few hours, I posted updates to remind people about the event (though I tried not to be too spammy).

In the middle of the day, I decided to post an update on LinkedIn. It didn’t make much difference, but at least I tried.



Here are the stats:

  • 20 upvotes on Product Hunt
  • 1 newsletter subscriber
  • 33 website visitors
  • 9 views of the video
  • 1 email, 2 DMs on Twitter, and 1 message on LinkedIn from different people (all cold and pretty spammy)

Well, it’s better than my previous PH launch, but still. I’m not sure if I did everything right or if this is just what should be expected if you don’t have tens of thousands of followers on Twitter and don’t ask everyone to upvote you.

I’ll try to improve next time.

If you have any advice, please let me know.

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